This website (“Website”) is the property of ASPOL QUÍMICA INTERNACIONAL. S.L.,

(“Aspol Quimica”). The Website offers everyone accessing the Website (“User”) general access to information, activities, products and services of the company. In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE),

we hereby provide the general information data of this Website:


Tax nº: B-90092255.

Address: Ruiz de Alarcon 25. 41007. Seville. Spain

Telephone: (+34) 910 912 019.


The use of the Website and the application is subject to the following conditions of use. Please read them carefully.

The fact of accessing the Website and/or the application and using the materials contained

in them implies that you have read and accept, without reservation, these conditions.

1. Conditions of access and use of the service.

The User agrees to use the Website in accordance with the law, these rules, as well as

in accordance with morality and good customs and public order.

The User agrees to refrain from using the Website for illegal purposes or effects, contrary to what is established in these rules, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties or that in any way may damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the service or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of the service by Users.

The use of the Website of Aspol Quimica, does not imply the obligation of registration of the User. The conditions of access and use of the Website are strictly governed by the current legality and by the principle of good faith engaging the User to make a good use of the Web. However, those data marked as “necessary” must be provided, otherwise the User will not be able to access the particular service in question.

2. Disclaimer.

Aspol Quimica assumes no responsibility that may arise from technical problems or failures

in the computer equipment that occur during the connection to the Internet network, as well as damages that could be caused by third persons through illegitimate interferences outside the control of Aspol Quimica.

We are also exempt from all liability for any damages or losses that may be suffered by the User because of errors, defects or omissions in the information we provide when it comes from sources alien to us.


Navigation on this Website will be subject to the conditions set forth in this “Legal Notice”, which may be updated periodically and without prior notice.

Aspol Quimica reserves the right to modify or eliminate, without prior notice, both the information contained in its Website and its configuration and presentation, without assuming any responsibility for it.


The User is aware of and accepts voluntarily that the use of the Website takes place, in any case, under his sole and exclusive responsibility.

The User will be responsible for damages of any nature that Aspol Quimica may suffer because of breach of any of the obligations to which it is subject in relation to the use of the Website under these rules and current legislation.

The User shall anytime indemnify Aspol Quimica against any claim, whether judicial or extrajudicial, that is presented against Aspol Quimica because of an inappropriate, illegitimate or illegal use of the content by the User or by third parties.

5. Industrial and intellectual property.

The User acknowledges and accepts that all intellectual and industrial property rights over the content and/or any other element inserted in the Website (including, but not limited to, trademarks, trade names, logos, texts, images, Videos, graphics …) belong to Aspol Quimica and/or third parties. It is therefore expressly prohibited its reproduction, distribution or public communication, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of Aspol Quimica or its respective owner.

6. Links and contents.

Links or links that contain the Website and/or the application may lead the User to other sites, web pages and/or applications managed by third parties, on which Aspol Qumica does not exercise any type of control.

Aspol Qumica assumes no responsibility for the information contained in the web pages of third parties that can be accessed through links or search engines from this Website.

Aspol Qumica declines any responsibility for the links or links of our Website, as well as those pages or links that refer to us. Access to them through the Website or the application does not imply that Aspol Qumica recommends or approve its content.

7. Personal Data Protection.

The User must read and accept the Privacy Policy of the Website.

8. Applicable law and jurisdiction.

This Legal Notice is governed by Spanish Law. Any dispute or situations arising from these rules will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of Seville (Spain).